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Affiliate Program Rules

This affiliate program is for affiliates with good intentions. Spread the word on blogs, with friends, in the description of your videos. We love working together with affiliates who are passionate about our products and services. We will not tolerate any abuse of our affiliate program, by misrepresenting our products/services, self-referrals, or by misguiding users.

  • 1. You will receive 20% of the revenue generated by your affiliate link.

  • 2. You will receive your payout via PayPal by the end of the month, one month after which your first conversion happened.

  • 3. You are above 18 years of age.

  • 4. You will NOT receive a commission in case of self-referral.

  • 5. We reserve the right to terminate your affiliate account at any time, without prior notice. We love working together with affiliates with good intentions but we will not tolerate any abuse of our affiliate program.

  • 6. Forbidden activities:

    • • Misrepresentation of our product/service.

    • • Self-referrals.

    • • Spamming or sending unsolicited emails.

    • • Make false claims about the affiliate link, such as pretending it is a coupon code.

    • • Making false or exaggerated claims related to our products/services.

    • • Using your affiliate link for your own purchases.

    • • Using Google Ads or other paid advertising platforms. Violating this rule will result in immediate termination from the affiliate program and forfeiture of any pending commissions.